Version 3.0 of Automated Trader is ready!
I fixed a few bugs that were present in the previous version that prevented certain users from downloading the file via Internet Explorer. I have also added few extra features like ability to choose the account, active monitoring (partial) and facility to track your equity for performance.
Please visit this weblink to download:…er-for-the-chartist/
Somethings to be mindful of:
- Active Monitoring: Current implementation only Cancels remaining BUY orders if the condition is satisfied. Users should be aware that it currently does not SELL excess filled orders. As the BUY orders are LMT orders, there is very low probability of number of filled positions exceeding the max. positions however do keep an eye out and manually liquidate excess filled positions whenever possible. I am currently still testing automated selling of excess filled positions and not ready for release yet.
- Use first on your Paper Trading account: We advise users to first use this software on their demo or paper trading account and transition to actual trading account only after they are convinced that the software is doing what they expect the software to do.
- Be aware that Active Monitoring, if enabled, might interfere with orders other than The Chartist’s orders if those other orders were placed via this software[\li]
Thanks to “Railay” (from The Chartist forums) for helping me in delivering this version by performing countless amount of testing.
Thank you for your support.